Once upon a time, there were two best friends named Lily and Rose. They lived in a magical world where the creatures sang and danced together in unison. One day, they were walking through the forest and came across a large clearing. They saw a group of birds preparing for a big performance. The birds were practicing their singing and dancing to make sure everything was just right.
Lily and Rose decided to join in and help out. They sang and danced along with the birds, but they noticed that the birds were having trouble keeping a steady rhythm. The birds were worried whether they would be able to perform well.
Lily and Rose encouraged the birds to sing and dance in unison. They told the birds that as long as they all sang and danced together, they would be just fine. The birds took their advice and started practicing again. This time, they all sang and danced in unison. It was beautiful!
The performance was a huge success. The birds received lots of compliments and everyone was amazed at how well they sang and danced in unison. From that day on, the birds always remembered to sing and dance in unison, no matter what.
Lily and Rose learned that working together, whether it be singing or dancing, is the key to success. They also learned that when we work together in unison, anything is possible.
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