The Brave Little Bird: A Tale of Survival

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Brave who lived in the forest. One day, while Brave was flying in the sky, suddenly an attack of a fierce eagle happened! Brave had to think quickly to survive. Brave flew very fast, dodging the eagle's attacks. Except for one instance, when the eagle caught Brave in its claws. But Brave was very clever, he used his beak to poke the eagle's eye and escaped from its grip. Brave survived the attack and became famous in the forest for being so brave. The end.


  1. What did Brave do to survive the attack of the eagle?
  2. How did Brave escape from the eagle's claws?
  3. How did Brave become famous in the forest?
  4. Why was Brave brave?
  5. What would you do if you were in Brave's place?

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