Benny the Brave Lumberjack

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, lived a young lumberjack named Benny. He had a natural talent for cutting down trees and was known as the best batter in the logging camp.
But one day, Benny's saw got stuck in a log and he couldn't cut it. He tried everything, but nothing worked. Feeling hopeless, he sat down to rest and noticed a strange little man watching him.
The man approached Benny and introduced himself as a blacksmith who could forge anything. Benny asked him to fix his saw, and the blacksmith agreed on one condition.
Benny had to bring him the sweetest syrup in the forest. Benny set off on his journey, determined to find the syrup.
He finally found a wise old griddle who knew where to find it. The griddle told him that the syrup was guarded by a dragon and the only way to get it was to harness the dragon's fire.
Benny was scared, but he didn't give up. He gathered all his courage and confronted the dragon. To his surprise, the dragon wasn't scary at all. It just wanted someone to play with.
Benny and the dragon became friends, and the dragon gave him the syrup as a gift. Benny brought the syrup back to the blacksmith, who fixed his saw and gave him a special harness that would allow him to cut down any tree with ease.
From that day on, Benny was the most successful lumberjack in the forest, and everyone admired his talent. He never forgot his dragon friend and went to visit it every chance he got.
The end.


  1. What did Benny need the blacksmith to do for him?
  2. Why did Benny have to find the syrup to get his saw fixed?
  3. How did Benny make friends with the dragon?
  4. What did the blacksmith give Benny as a reward?
  5. What made Benny successful as a lumberjack?

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