The Great Wildebeest Migration

Once upon a time in the African savanna, a wildebeest named Wally was searching for food during a drought. As he wandered, he noticed that many other animals were also on the move, always searching for food and water. This was called migration, and Wally soon joined the herd.

Along the way, Wally learned that some animals were predators, always looking to catch their next meal. Wally knew he had to navigate carefully to avoid these dangerous creatures.

One day, Wally and the herd came across a large body of water. Wally had heard that there was a special kind of butterfly, the monarch, that could help him cross safely. The monarchs were able to use the magnetic currents in the air to find their way to a new place to spawn their eggs. Wally and the herd followed the monarchs as they used the currents to guide them across the water.

Wally was amazed by the power of the magnetic currents, and he was grateful to the monarchs for helping him and the herd safely across the water. As Wally continued on his migration, he thought about how important it was to understand the climate and its effects on the world around him.

The end.


  1. Why did Wally and the herd go on a migration?
  2. What did Wally learn about predators during his migration?
  3. How did the monarch butterflies help Wally and the herd cross the water safely?
  4. Why was it important for Wally to understand the climate?
  5. What do you think Wally learned from his journey?

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