Benny the Beaver's Tropical Adventure

Once upon a time there was a beaver named Benny who lived in a tropical wetland filled with lush nature. He loved to build dams and watch the different creatures that lived there, like the chameleons that would glide through the trees and the larva that would swim in the streams. One day, Benny decided to take a walk through the forest and see all the beauty that surrounded him. He hopped along the banks of the stream, taking in the sights and sounds of the tropical environment. Suddenly, he spotted a chameleon gliding from tree to tree and he was amazed. He had never seen anything like it before! From that day on, Benny made sure to keep an eye out for more amazing creatures and adventures in the tropical wetland. The End.


  1. Why did Benny like to build dams?
  2. What kind of creatures did Benny see in the tropical wetland?
  3. How did the chameleon move through the trees?
  4. What was Benny's favorite part of his adventure?

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