The Adventures of Medusa and Planula

Once upon a time, in the current ocean, there lived a marine invertebrate named Medusa. Medusa was a social creature who loved to bask in the sun with her frilly tentacles. One day, she discovered that she had the ability to clone herself and create new creatures. This process, called budding, allowed her to create many little medusas who would join her in basking and playing in the sun.

However, one of her clones turned out differently. Instead of having frilly tentacles, it had long, flowing tentacles like those of a jellyfish. This clone was called Planula, and it was much more active than the others. It would swim around the ocean, exploring and discovering new things.

As time passed, Medusa and Planula became best friends and would spend all their days together, playing and swimming in the ocean. They were happy and content, basking in the sun and enjoying each other's company. And so, they lived happily ever after, exploring the ocean and all its wonders.


  1. What was special about Medusa's clone, Planula?
  2. How did Medusa and Planula become friends?
  3. What did Medusa and Planula like to do together?
  4. What was the ocean like in the story?
  5. Do you think it would be fun to have tentacles like Medusa and Planula? Why or why not?

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