The Mixed-Breed Dog's Adventure on the Farm

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had many different types of dogs on his farm. He had a herding dog who helped him take care of the sheep and cows, a sporting dog who loved to play fetch, a working dog who would help with chores like carrying heavy loads, a hound who was great at finding and tracking scents, a terrier who was always ready for some digging, a toy dog who was small but full of energy, and a purebred who came from a long line of the same breed.

One day, the farmer came across a mixed-breed dog who was lost and looking for a home. The farmer took the dog in and soon realized that even though it was not a purebred, it was just as smart and capable as all of his other dogs. The mixed-breed dog became an important part of the farm and proved that it did not matter what breed a dog was, but how hard it worked and how much love it gave.

The end.


  1. What types of dogs did the farmer have on his farm?
  2. What happened when the farmer found the mixed-breed dog?
  3. How did the mixed-breed dog prove itself on the farm?
  4. Why do you think the farmer took in the mixed-breed dog?
  5. What is the message of the story?

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