The Tacky Barn Candles

Once upon a time, there was a tacky old barn filled with junk. One day, a farmer found a cud of sap sticking out of a discarded vat. He decided to collect the sap and use it to make candles. He melted some paraffin wax and mixed it with the sap, poured the mixture into a wad of mesh and let it cool. The farmer was excited to see the result but was disappointed when he found that the candles were too tacky and wouldn’t hold their shape. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He remembered seeing some latex gloves in the barn and decided to use them as molds for the candles. He poured the melted wax into the gloves and let them cool. The next day, he removed the latex gloves to reveal beautiful and sturdy candles. From then on, he never discarded any sap and made candles every year using the same method. The end.


  1. What did the farmer do with the sap he found in the discarded vat?
  2. Why was the farmer disappointed with the first attempt at making candles from the sap?
  3. How did the farmer solve the problem of the candles not holding their shape?
  4. What material did the farmer use as molds for the candles?
  5. How did the farmer feel after he removed the latex gloves to reveal the candles?

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