The Magic Music School Concert

Once upon a time, there was a magical music school where all the instruments came to life and played together. One day, the amplifier, who was in charge of making sure everyone could hear the music, asked the bow of the violin to play a song. The bow agreed and began to play a beautiful melody.

Soon, the keyboard joined in, playing fast and intricate notes. The percussion instruments added their beats, while the brass instruments blew their horns and the strings plucked their strings. The woodwinds fluted and whistled, rounding out the sound.

Together, the instruments created the most amazing music the school had ever heard! Everyone was dancing and singing along.

The amplifier was so happy, she thanked each and every instrument for their contribution to the music. From that day on, the instruments played together every day, creating the most beautiful sounds in the land.

The end.


  1. What was the name of the magical music school?
  2. Who was in charge of making sure everyone could hear the music?
  3. What did the bow of the violin play first?
  4. How did the other instruments join in?
  5. What was the result of the instruments playing together?
  6. How did the amplifier feel at the end of the story?

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