Lily's Creative Gift

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to create things. She had an amazing imagination and a big heart full of creativity. One day, she came up with the brightest idea ever! She decided to make a special present for her best friend's birthday.

She started to work on her project with lots of excitement. She painted, glued, and sewed until she finally had a beautiful creation in her hands. She was so proud of it that she couldn't help but smirk with happiness.

On the day of the birthday party, she brought her gift and watched as her friend opened it. The highlight of the party was when her friend saw the present and gasped with delight. Everyone was amazed at how creative Lily was, and they all cheered for her.

Lily felt overjoyed and proud of herself. She had learned that with a little bit of imagination and creativity, she could conceive anything she wanted. From that day on, she continued to use her creativity to make the world a brighter place.

The end.


  1. What did Lily make for her friend's birthday?
  2. How did Lily feel when her friend opened the present?
  3. How did others react to Lily's creation?
  4. Why is creativity important to Lily?
  5. How does Lily's creativity make the world a better place?

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