The Princess and the Ugly Cottage

Once upon a time, there was a young and beautiful princess who lived in a big castle. She had everything she could ever want, but she was not happy. She was always worried about keeping her castle clean and shiny, but she could never seem to get it just right.

One day, she decided to go for a walk in the forest to clear her mind. As she was walking, she came across an old and dirty cottage. It was the complete opposite of her castle, but something about it caught her eye. She walked up to the door and knocked.

An old woman answered and invited the princess inside. The cottage was small and cramped, but it was also warm and cozy. The princess noticed that the old woman was not worried about keeping her cottage clean and shiny. In fact, she seemed very content with the way things were.

The princess was curious, so she asked the old woman how she could be so happy when her cottage was so dirty and old. The old woman smiled and said, "I may not have a shiny and clean castle, but I have a home filled with love and memories. That's all that really matters."

The princess realized that she had been focusing on the wrong things. She had been so worried about keeping her castle clean and shiny that she had forgotten to enjoy the beautiful things in life. She thanked the old woman for her wise words and promised to return to her castle with a new perspective.

From that day on, the princess no longer worried about keeping her castle clean and shiny. She focused on the things that truly mattered, like making beautiful memories with her family and friends. And she lived happily ever after.


  1. Why was the princess not happy in her castle?
  2. How did the old woman's cottage make the princess feel?
  3. What did the old woman say that made the princess realize she had been focusing on the wrong things?
  4. How did the princess's perspective change after her visit to the old woman's cottage?

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