Benny the Bear Saves the Forest

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Benny. Benny loved to play with his friends in the forest, but one day he noticed that there was an issue. The trees in the forest were being cut down and the animals were losing their homes.

Benny wanted to do something about it, so he went to see the king of the forest. He told the king about the issue and asked him to sign a treaty to protect the forest.

The king was hesitant at first, but Benny did a great job of convincing him. He explained that the forest was important for all the animals and for the future of the planet.

Finally, the king agreed and signed the treaty. From that day on, the forest was protected and all the animals were happy. Benny was proud of himself for making a difference and solving the issue.


  1. Why was Benny concerned about the forest?
  2. How did Benny convince the king to sign the treaty?
  3. What was the result of the treaty being signed?
  4. How did Benny feel after the issue was solved?
  5. What can we learn from Benny's actions in the story?

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