Once upon a time, there was a country that was in a commotion. The people were not happy because they felt like their voices were not being represented in the government. So, they decided to organize an election to choose new leaders who would listen to their needs.
Before the election, the leaders gathered to discuss the issues that were important to the people and they wrote a document, which they called the constitution. This constitution outlined how the country would be run and how the leaders would make decisions that would benefit everyone.
However, there was one leader who was very miserable. He did not agree with the constitution and refused to sign it. The other leaders tried to convince him, but he wouldn’t budge. Finally, after much discussion, the unhappy leader realized that by working together with the others, he could make the country a better place for everyone. So, he signed the constitution and from that day on, the country was a happier and more peaceful place.
The end.
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