The Talons of Responsibility

Once upon a time, there was an enormous bird named Talon who lived in a forest. Talon loved to fly and hunt but hated doing homework. One day, Talon's teacher gave him an assignment that he had to complete immediately. Talon tried to think of an excuse to get out of doing the homework, but he knew he couldn't avoid it forever. Suddenly, Talon had an idea! He would use his sharp talons to find an extension for the assignment deadline. Talon flew to the teacher's office and asked for more time to complete the assignment. The teacher agreed and gave Talon an extra week. Talon was relieved and worked hard on his homework every day until it was due. In the end, Talon got an A+ on his assignment and learned the importance of facing his responsibilities.


  1. What did Talon hate doing?
  2. How did Talon solve his homework problem?
  3. What did Talon learn in the end?
  4. How did Talon feel when he got an A+ on his assignment?
  5. What can we learn from Talon's story?

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