The Fawn's Stunning Escape

Once upon a time, there was a fawn who lived in a forest. One day, the forest was on fire, and everything was scorched. The fawn had to find an option to save itself.

The fawn remembered that its mother had told it about a stunning waterfall in a faraway land. So, it decided to go there. On the way, it met many animals who were also fleeing from the fire, but the fawn didn't stop. It kept running until it reached the waterfall.

When the fawn finally arrived, it was amazed by the beauty of the waterfall. It was stunning! The fawn took a sip of water and felt refreshed. It then saw a reflection of itself in the water and was happy to see that it was safe.

And that's how the fawn escaped the scorched forest and found a new home at the stunning waterfall.


  1. How does the fawn escape the fire in the forest?
  2. What do you think the fawn was feeling when it saw the waterfall for the first time?
  3. What would you do if you were the fawn and had to find a new home?
  4. Can you think of another way the fawn could have escaped the fire?
  5. How did the fawn feel after it found the waterfall?

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