The Magic of Following the Condition

Once upon a time, there was a magical land where every person had to follow a strict condition to live happily. The benefit of following the condition was that everyone was always happy and healthy.
One day, a young boy named Jack decided to cheat the condition and take a shortcut. He became persuasive and convinced others to cheat too. But soon, they realized that their happiness and health were gone.
They learned that cheating the condition brought only temporary pleasure but taking the right path brought everlasting benefit. From then on, everyone followed the condition with dedication and lived happily ever after.


  1. What was the condition that everyone had to follow?
  2. What happened when Jack cheated the condition?
  3. Why did Jack become persuasive in cheating the condition?
  4. What did the people learn about cheating and following the condition?
  5. Why is following conditions important for happiness and health?

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