The Legacy of the Mandarin Civilization

Once upon a time, there was a civilization in China that was known for its rich culture and strong economy. The historian of the society kept track of all the important events and discoveries. One day, he learned that the people had domesticated many animals and were using them to help grow their crops, especially paddy. They also developed a unique form of pottery called Mandarin porcelain, which was highly sought after by people all over the world. The utensils made from this porcelain were so valuable that they became a symbol of wealth and prosperity. However, one day, the communist government took control and everything changed. Despite this, the people of the civilization continued to keep their traditions alive and passed them down from generation to generation. The end.


  1. What was the civilization in the story known for?
  2. What did the historian do in the society?
  3. What kind of crops did the people grow?
  4. What was special about the porcelain utensils made in the civilization?
  5. How did the government change the society in the end?

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