The Comeback of Luke: A Unison Adventure

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there lived an adolescent named Luke. Luke was known for his incredible singing voice and loved to sing in unison with his friends. However, one day, Luke lost his voice and could no longer sing. The kingdom was devastated as they missed their beloved singer. However, Luke did not give up and decided to make a comeback. He went on a journey to find the cure for his lost voice. After many trials and tribulations, Luke finally found a magical herb that helped him regain his voice. He returned to the kingdom, and everyone was overjoyed to hear him sing once again, in unison with the choir. They all sang together and the kingdom was filled with happiness. And so, Luke’s story concludes with a happy ending.


  1. How did Luke feel when he lost his voice?
  2. What did Luke do to regain his voice?
  3. Why was the kingdom filled with happiness at the end of the story?
  4. How did Luke's friends help him in his journey?
  5. What lesson can you learn from Luke's story?

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