The Prince's Dilemma: A Lesson in Responsibility

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a prince named Max. He was known for his sarcasm and extraordinary wit. But he lacked the responsibility that was expected of him as a prince. One day, the king assigned him a task to build a column in the palace garden.
Max approached the task with a retort, "Building a column, how hard can it be?" Little did he know, it was a dilemma that would test his abilities. As he started building, he realized that the column was not straight and he had to start over. This went on for days and he was definitely losing hope.
But then, he remembered a possibility that he had heard from his grandpa. He could use a plumb line to ensure the column was straight. And that’s exactly what he did. The column turned out to be the most beautiful one in the kingdom and Prince Max was hailed as a hero.
From that day on, Prince Max learned the value of responsibility and the importance of hard work.


  1. Why was Prince Max known for his sarcasm and extraordinary wit?
  2. Why was building the column a dilemma for Prince Max?
  3. How did Prince Max overcome the dilemma of building the straight column?
  4. What did Prince Max learn from this experience?
  5. Why is responsibility important?

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