The Real Treasure of the Countryside

Once upon a time, there was a fidgety and energetic young rabbit named Benny who lived in the countryside. One day, Benny heard about a significant treasure that was buried a kilometer away from his burrow. Excited by the prospect of riches, he decided to look for it. Along the way, he met a group of cooperative animals, who offered to help him find the treasure.

However, when they finally reached the spot where the treasure was supposed to be, they found nothing but a ridiculous pile of rocks. Disappointed, Benny said sarcastically, "Well, this is just great. I guess we'll have to go back home empty-handed." But just then, one of the animals pointed out that the real treasure was the friendships they had made along the way. And with that, they all hopped back to their homes, feeling richer in more ways than one.


  1. What was the significant treasure that Benny and his friends were searching for?
  2. Why did they all feel richer at the end of the story?
  3. What lesson did Benny learn about treasures?
  4. Who offered to help Benny on his quest for the treasure?
  5. Why did Benny say what he said when they found the pile of rocks?

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