Flutter's Golden Treasure

Once upon a time, there was a small bird named Flutter. Flutter lived in a threadbare nest on a tree branch. One day, Flutter saw a shiny object glimmering in the distance. Flutter flew over to retrieve it but it was caught in a bush.

Flutter used its subtle skills to retrieve the object without disturbing the bush. When Flutter finally retrieved the object, it was a beautiful golden feather! Flutter was so happy and proudly showed off the golden feather to all of the other birds in the forest.

From that day on, Flutter's threadbare nest became the most beautiful nest in the forest, thanks to the subtle addition of the golden feather. And Flutter lived happily ever after.


  1. What was Flutter trying to retrieve?
  2. How did Flutter retrieve it?
  3. What happened to Flutter's nest after retrieving the object?
  4. How did the other birds react to Flutter's new nest?
  5. What lesson can we learn from Flutter's story?

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