The Fair Tax Protest

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there was a conflict between the people and the king. The king wanted to raise taxes, but the people believed it was unfair. They wanted the tax money to be spent in a way that would benefit everyone, not just the rich and powerful.

The people decided to protest peacefully, using nonviolence to show their belief in fairness. They marched through the streets, chanting and holding signs that read "Tax Fairness for All!"

The king was not happy with the protest, but he knew he had to listen to the people. He called a meeting with the leaders of the protest and asked them what they wanted. They told him that they wanted the tax system to be fair and for everyone to have a say in how the money was spent.

The king thought about it and realized that the people were right. He agreed to make changes to the tax system, so that everyone would pay their fair share. He also let the people register their opinions about how the money should be spent.

The protest ended happily, and the people were proud of their nonviolence and their belief in fairness. From then on, the kingdom was a much fairer and happier place for everyone.

The end.


  1. Why did the people in the kingdom protest?
  2. How did the king react to the protest?
  3. What changes did the king make to the tax system?
  4. Why was it important for the protest to be peaceful?
  5. Why was the kingdom a happier place after the protest?

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