The Friar's Vow: A Tale of Laughter and Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was an abbot who ruled with an iron fist. He was corrupt and greedy, and he oppressed the people of the kingdom. But one day, a friar came to the kingdom. He was a kind and gentle man who loved to make people laugh with his jests.

The friar soon made many friends in the kingdom, including a ranger who loved to practice archery. They often went on adventures together, and the friar would always make the ranger laugh with his silly jokes.

One day, the abbot heard of the friar's popularity and grew jealous. He vowed to interfere with their friendship and put an end to the friar's jests. So, he ordered the ranger to capture the friar and bring him to the abbot's castle.

The friar was captured and brought before the abbot, who demanded that he take a vow never to tell another joke again. But the friar refused, for he believed that laughter was a gift from the gods and that no one had the right to take it away from the people.

So, the abbot sentenced the friar to death. But as the friar was led away, he saw a beautiful garland of flowers hanging from a tree. He plucked a flower from the garland and said, "Here, abbot, is a gift for you. It is a symbol of my love for life and laughter, and I hope it will bring you joy."

The abbot was so moved by the friar's words and the beauty of the flower that he released him and allowed him to continue spreading joy and laughter throughout the kingdom. From that day forward, the friar and the ranger continued to go on adventures together, and their friendship only grew stronger.

And so, the story ends with a lesson for all: that laughter is a powerful force for good, and that nothing, not even a corrupt abbot, can interfere with the power of a friar's vow to bring joy to the world.


  1. Why did the abbot want to stop the friar from telling jokes?
  2. What did the friar give the abbot as a gift?
  3. How did the friar show his love for life and laughter?
  4. What lesson did the friar teach the abbot about laughter?
  5. How did the friar's vow help him overcome the abbot's interference?

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