Finny and the School of Fish: A Story of Survival and Teamwork

Once upon a time, there lived a group of fish in the ocean. The leader of the school was named Finny and he had a strong cartilage skeleton. They all loved to swim and hunt for plankton to eat.

One day, they noticed that the plankton was disappearing and many other species of fish were becoming extinct. Finny knew something had to be done, so he called a meeting with all the fish.

Finny showed off his strong dorsal fin and told his friends about how it helped him swim fast and catch prey. He suggested that they use their own unique features to help camouflage themselves from predators and find new food sources.

The other fish were amazed by Finny's idea and they worked together to come up with ways to use their own fins and scales to blend in with their surroundings. They practiced swimming in formation to confuse predators and found new places to hunt for plankton.

Thanks to Finny and his friends, the school of fish was able to survive and even thrive! They learned that working together and using their strengths could help them overcome any challenge.

The end.


  1. What was the problem the school of fish faced?
  2. How did Finny help his friends solve the problem?
  3. What did the fish learn about working together?
  4. Can you think of a time when you worked together with others to solve a problem?
  5. What unique qualities do you have that could help you solve problems in your own life?

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