Sophie's Cozy Makeover

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little girl named Sophie. She lived in a cozy cottage with her parents and her dog, Max. One day, Sophie's parents decided to give her room a makeover. They painted the walls pink, bought her a new wardrobe, and even got her a new cupboard for all her clothes and toys.

Sophie was so excited to see her new room. She ran inside and saw that her parents had also placed a stool in the corner of her room. "This is perfect for reading my books," she thought to herself.

As she was exploring her new room, she noticed that her parents had also gotten her a new iron and a pillow for her bed. The pillow was fluffy and white, just the way she liked it. She also saw that her parents had put a cozy blanket on her bed too.

Sophie then went to her cupboard and opened it. Inside, she found a comb, which she immediately used to comb her hair. She then closed the cupboard and locked it with the key that her parents had given her.

Satisfied with her new room, Sophie lay down on her bed, cuddled up in her blanket, and closed her eyes. She felt happy and content, and knew that she would always feel safe and secure in her new room, thanks to the lock on her cupboard.

The End.


  1. What did Sophie's parents do to her room to make it new?
  2. How did Sophie feel when she saw her new room for the first time?
  3. What did Sophie think the stool in the corner of her room would be used for?
  4. Why did Sophie feel safe and secure in her new room?

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