Pine: The Giving Tree

Once upon a time, there was an evergreen tree named Pine. He lived in a forest filled with other trees. One day, while Pine was distracted by the rustling leaves, he suddenly realized that he was castaway on a deserted island. He felt defenseless and alone.

But as time went by, Pine learned to adapt to his new surroundings. He watched as the animals of the island harvested the fruits and nuts from the other trees. Pine longed to do the same, but he had no boughs to reach the food.

One day, a strong wind blew through the island and knocked down a tall tree. The tree's boughs were now within reach of Pine. He used them to gather food for himself and the other animals.

From that day on, Pine was no longer defenseless. He was known as the "Giving Tree" and all the animals of the island loved him. Pine was happy and content, knowing that he was able to make a difference in the lives of others.

The end.


  1. What was Pine's initial feeling when he realized he was castaway on the island?
  2. How did Pine gather food for himself and the animals of the island?
  3. Why was Pine known as the "Giving Tree"?
  4. What do you think Pine learned during his time on the island?
  5. Can you think of a time when you had to adapt to a new situation, just like Pine?

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