Pore's Treasure Hunt Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a curious adventure-seeking porpoise named Pore. Pore lived near a big bank that stood on the edge of the ocean. One day, while diving around the bank, Pore discovered an imprint on the ocean floor. It was a map leading to a treasure! Excited by the prospect of adventure, Pore set out to follow the map and find the treasure. On the way, he encountered many obstacles, but with determination and a little help from his friends, Pore was able to reach the treasure. He was amazed by what he found: a vast collection of beautiful shells and precious gems. Pore was overjoyed and decided to share his treasure with all of his friends. From that day on, Pore was known as the bravest and most generous porpoise in the ocean.


  1. Why was Pore curious about the imprint on the ocean floor?
  2. Who helped Pore on his treasure hunt adventure?
  3. What was Pore's reward for his bravery and determination?

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