Once upon a time, there was a brave adventurer named Gale. She lived in a world of magic and adventure. One day, she received a golden flute as a gift from a mysterious stranger. The flute was said to lead its owner to treasure beyond their wildest dreams.
Gale felt a vague sense of unease but couldn't resist the call of adventure. She set out on her journey with the flute leading her way. The wind began to pick up and the sky turned dark. Suddenly, a gale-force wind hit, making it difficult for Gale to stand. She stumbled and staggered forward, but the flute's tune kept her moving.
Finally, she arrived at a large mountain. Using her chisel, she started to climb. As she reached the top, she saw a glittering pile of gold and jewels. It was more treasure than she had ever imagined. She played her flute, and the music filled the air, causing the treasure to shimmer and shine even brighter.
Gale returned home a rich woman, and she lived happily ever after. The end.
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