Flit's Journey to Rejoice

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Flit. Flit loved to dress up in his finest finery and flit from branch to branch, showing off to all the other birds in the forest. But one day, Flit noticed that no one seemed to appreciate his beautiful feathers or fine clothes. They all ignored him and went about their business.

Feeling sad, Flit decided to fly away from the forest and find a place where he would be appreciated for his finery. He flew for hours, until he came across a small village filled with people who were celebrating and rejoicing.

Flit perched on a tree and watched as the people danced, sang, and laughed. And then, something wonderful happened. A little girl spotted Flit and ran over to him, admiring his beautiful feathers and fine clothes. She asked if she could touch them, and Flit, feeling so happy and important, said yes.

The other people in the village saw the little girl admiring Flit, and they all came over to see what was going on. To Flit's delight, they all admired his finery and praised him for his beauty. From that day on, Flit lived in the village, and every day, the people would rejoice at the sight of him.

And so, Flit learned that sometimes, it's not about where you are, but who you are with that makes you feel happy and appreciated.


  1. Why was Flit feeling sad in the forest?
  2. How did Flit feel when the little girl admired his finery?
  3. Why do you think the people in the village rejoiced at the sight of Flit?
  4. What did Flit learn from his journey?
  5. How can you show appreciation for others' beauty and special qualities?

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