The Little Sprig and the Waning Moon

Once upon a time, there was a little sprig of a tree that lived in the forest. It loved to watch the moon wax and wane each night. But one night, as the moon was waning, the little sprig trembled with fear as it saw a big shadow moving towards it. Suddenly, out from the shadows came a friendly wolf. The wolf explained that the shadow was just the moon disappearing behind the clouds, and that there was nothing to be afraid of. The little sprig felt much better and watched the moon reappear, shining brightly in the sky. From that day on, the little sprig was no longer afraid of the waxing and waning of the moon.


  1. What was the little sprig afraid of?
  2. Who came out of the shadows in the story?
  3. How did the little sprig feel after talking to the wolf?
  4. Why was the moon appearing and disappearing in the sky?
  5. What did the little sprig learn about the waxing and waning of the moon?

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