Juan's Chocolate Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off plantation, there lived a farmer named Juan. He grew cacao plants and used his machete to take care of them. He was very proud of his cacao because it was used to make a delicious drink called chocolate.

One day, Juan noticed that some of the cacao was spoiled. He couldn't figure out why until he learned about something called fermentation. Fermentation was an important ingredient in making the cacao taste better.

Juan started to ferment his cacao beans and the taste of the chocolate improved greatly. People from all around came to buy his cacao to make their own chocolate.

Juan needed to make more chocolate to keep up with the demand, so he built a mill to grind the cacao beans into a paste. But the paste still had lumps, so he decided to use a machine called a conching machine to smooth it out.

Finally, the chocolate was ready to be consumed! People loved it and Juan was very happy. But then, one day, a mole dug a hole in the plantation and ruined some of the cacao plants. Juan was worried, but then he remembered all he had learned about fermentation and conching. He was able to save the cacao and make even more delicious chocolate! The end.


  1. What did Juan learn about making chocolate?
  2. Why was Juan proud of his cacao plants?
  3. How did Juan make the chocolate taste better?
  4. What happened when a mole dug a hole in the plantation?
  5. What made Juan successful in making delicious chocolate?

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