The Discovery of Nutrition and Supplements.

Once upon a time, in the prehistoric era, animals ate only natural food to get their nutrients. They didn't know about calories, vitamins, and minerals. One day, a clever dinosaur discovered that certain foods had special powers. He realized that by eating these foods, he could stay strong and healthy. He named these special foods "nutrition."

As time went by, other animals learned about nutrition too, and they started to eat different types of food to get different nutrients. Some animals ate plants for carbohydrates, while others hunted for fat. But despite all their efforts, some animals still fell sick.

That's when a wise old animal came up with an idea. He suggested that animals could take nutrition in a different form - supplements! Supplements are like magic pills that give you all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs in one go. From that day on, animals never fell sick again because they had all the nutrition they needed.

And that, kids, is the story of how prehistoric animals learned about the importance of nutrition and discovered supplements.


  1. What did the animals eat before they learned about nutrition?
  2. Who discovered that certain foods had special powers?
  3. What did the wise old animal suggest to help other animals stay healthy?
  4. What are supplements and how do they give you all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs?
  5. Why did the animals never fall sick after discovering supplements?

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