The Stifle Monster and the Fluorescent World

Once upon a time, there was a colorful world where everything was fluorescent and bright. People lived happily and freely, but one day a strange feeling started to stifle their joy. They didn't know what was causing it, so they asked for suggestions from the wise old man in the village.

He suggested that they should try to find the source of the stifle, and so they set out on an adventure. They traveled through the fluorescent forests, across the glowing rivers, and up the shining mountains. Finally, they reached the top of the tallest mountain, and there they found the source of the stifle.

It was a monster who was using its power to stifle all the happiness in the world. The people bravely confronted the monster and suggested that they could have peace and happiness together if they all worked together.

The monster thought about it, and decided that they were right. It used its powers to bring back the happiness and brightness to the world, and everyone lived happily ever after. From that day on, the world was once again full of color and light, and everyone was free to live and play without any stifle.


  1. What was the source of the stifle in the world?
  2. Why did the people ask the wise old man for suggestions?
  3. How did the people and the monster resolve their differences?
  4. Why was the world once again full of color and light?
  5. What do you think the monster learned from the people?

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