Once upon a time, there was a magical place called Isla where lived a strange creature called boojum. One day, a young girl named Sarah visited the island and found the boojum playing with an inflatable toy. The boojum was having so much fun that Sarah decided to join in and play with the inflatable toy too. They spent the whole day playing together, laughing and having a great time.
As the sun began to set, the boojum said goodbye to Sarah and disappeared into the forest. Sarah felt sad, but she knew that she had made a new friend and would always have the memories of their fun day together.
The next time Sarah visited Isla, she brought an even bigger inflatable toy and the boojum was overjoyed to see her again. They spent many more happy days playing together, always discovering new adventures on Isla.
And that's the story of Sarah and the boojum of Isla, who became the best of friends through their love of inflatable toys.
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