The Desalination Discovery

Once upon a time, there was a great civilization that lived near the equator. They were worried because their water sources were starting to evaporate due to the hot climate at their latitude. Scientists in the civilization predicted that this would lead to a water shortage.

One day, a young girl came up with an idea to preserve the water they had. She suggested using a process called desalination to remove salt from seawater and make it safe to drink. The people of the civilization were skeptical at first, but they soon realized the girl's plan was the only way to ensure they had enough water to survive.

With the help of the other scientists, the young girl worked hard to perfect the desalination process. She even found a way to make it more efficient and predictable. The people were amazed by her descent and praised her for her ingenuity.

Thanks to the young girl's efforts, the civilization was able to preserve their water resources, and they lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. Why was the civilization having trouble with their water sources?
  2. What was the young girl's solution to the water shortage problem?
  3. How did the people of the civilization feel about the young girl's plan at first?
  4. What was the result of the young girl's hard work?
  5. What does the story teach us about preserving resources and finding creative solutions to problems?

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