The Underdog's Spectacular Merger

Once upon a time in the kingdom of roots, there was a small underdog named Civic. Despite his small size, he had big dreams of becoming a great spectacle performer. One day, he got the chance to perform in front of a large crowd at a festivity. But, just as he was about to begin, a group of powerful dynasties tried to intercept him, wanting to trounce him and take his place as the main attraction.
But, Civic wouldn't give up that easily. He decided to merge his unique talents with others and create a truly spectacular show that wowed the audience and defeated the dynasties once and for all. From that day on, Civic was no longer an underdog, but a celebrated spectacle performer, loved by all in the kingdom of roots. The end.


  1. Why do you think Civic wanted to be a spectacle performer?
  2. What did Civic do when the dynasties tried to intercept him?
  3. How did Civic's unique talents help him defeat the dynasties?
  4. Why do you think Civic was loved by all in the kingdom of roots?

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