The Cockatoo, the Wren and the Kookaburra's Big Day

Once upon a time in the Australian bush, there lived a family of birds. A friendly cockatoo named Coco lived in a tall tree with his friends, a wren named Wrennie and a kookaburra named Kiki. They loved to sing and play together.

One day, they heard about a big event called the Corroboree, where all the birds in the bush would come together to dance and sing. Coco, Wrennie, and Kiki were very excited and wanted to participate.

They practiced every day until they were ready for the Corroboree. When they arrived, they saw that the other birds were much bigger and more colorful. They felt a little intimidated, but decided to dance and sing anyway.

To their surprise, their performance was a hit! The other birds cheered and clapped, and soon everyone was dancing and singing together. Coco, Wrennie, and Kiki realized that it didn't matter what they looked like or how big they were, what mattered was the joy they spread with their performance.

From that day on, they continued to attend the Corroboree and spread joy wherever they went. And whenever they heard someone say "Coco, Wrennie, and Kiki, the greatest performers in the bush!", they smiled and sang even louder.


  • What did Coco, Wrennie, and Kiki do to prepare for the Corroboree?
  • How did they feel when they saw the other birds at the Corroboree?
  • Why did the other birds like their performance?
  • How did they feel after the Corroboree was over?
  • What did they learn about themselves and others during the event?

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