The Prodigy's Performance: A Tale of Music and Mystery at the Monastery

Once upon a time, there lived a musical prodigy who could play the organ like no one else. The prodigy was so skilled that he was invited to perform a concerto in a magnificent monastery.

The day of the concert arrived, and the prodigy was practicing his scales on the beautiful organ when suddenly, he heard a dreadful noise coming from the pipes. He stopped playing and went to investigate. To his surprise, he found out that an organist had fallen ill and would not be able to perform the requiem that night.

The prodigy felt smitten by the idea of playing the requiem in front of a large audience, so he offered to take the place of the organist. The monks were overjoyed and agreed, as they knew that the prodigy was the most probable candidate to fill the role.

The night of the concert arrived, and the prodigy performed the requiem flawlessly, captivating the audience with his musical skills. From that day on, the prodigy became known as the greatest organist in the world, and the monastery was forever remembered for hosting such a magnificent performance.


  1. How did the prodigy become known as the greatest organist in the world?
  2. Why did the prodigy feel smitten by the idea of playing the requiem?
  3. What happened to the original organist who was supposed to perform the requiem?
  4. What was the reaction of the audience to the prodigy's performance of the requiem?
  5. How did the monastery become remembered for hosting such a magnificent performance?

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