Lily's Out-of-This-World Adventure: A Story of Realistic Dreams and Alternative Paths

A young girl named Lily loved to dream big. She would always make a pledge to herself that she would become an astronaut and travel to space. But as she grew up, she realized that becoming an astronaut was not as easy as it seemed. She started to feel discouraged and thought that her dream was unrealistic.

One day, while walking in the park, she met an old man who was sitting on a bench. The old man asked her what was troubling her and she shared her dream with him. The old man smiled and told her that she should never give up on her dreams, but instead be realistic about them. He explained that there were alternative paths that could lead her to her goal, spanning across different fields.

Lily listened intently and took the old man's advice to heart. She started to explore different fields like engineering and science, and found that she could still reach her goal of traveling to space. With hard work and determination, she became an engineer and went on to design spaceships that took people to far-off planets.

Years passed and Lily became known as one of the most brilliant engineers in the world, and her spaceships were used by many countries. She finally fulfilled her pledge to herself, and traveled to space, where she saw the beauty of the universe with her own eyes.

And so, the young girl's dream came true, thanks to her realistic approach and willingness to explore alternative paths.


-What was Lily's original dream?
-Why did she feel discouraged about her dream?
-What advice did the old man give Lily?
-What alternative paths did Lily explore?
-In the end, did Lily achieve her dream?

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