The Wizard's Forever Gift: The Importance of the Decimal Point

Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom where everything was measured by a special symbol. The symbol stood for approximately how much of something you had. But one day, the decimal point that separated the whole numbers from the fractional part went missing!

Without the decimal point, the symbol was useless and the kingdom was in chaos. The king and queen searched forever for someone to help fix the problem. Finally, they found a wise old wizard who knew just what to do.

The wizard explained that the decimal point was a very important part of the symbol, and that it needed to be placed in exactly the right place so that the symbol would work properly. With a wave of his wand, the wizard carefully placed the decimal point back where it belonged, and the kingdom was restored to order.

From that day on, the people of the kingdom never forgot the importance of the decimal point and the symbol. And even though the wizard was gone, his magic lived on forever, reminding everyone of the power of precision and accuracy in measurement.


  1. Why was the kingdom in chaos without the decimal point?
  2. What did the wizard do to fix the problem?
  3. How did the people of the kingdom feel after the wizard fixed the symbol?
  4. Why is the decimal point important for the symbol to work properly?
  5. What did the people learn from the wizard about precision and accuracy in measurement?

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