The Pit Viper and the Caterpillar: A Forest Friendship

Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a pit viper. Pit vipers are cold-blooded creatures that live in a habitat filled with trees and plants. They are predators and feed on their prey, which could be a caterpillar or any other small animal. They have fangs that are filled with venom and when they bite, it can be very dangerous.

In the winter, pit vipers like to hibernate to conserve energy. They curl up in a warm place and go to sleep for several months. When spring arrives, they wake up and start hunting again. They move in a serpentine way, slithering through the grass, or they can sidewind to get over rough terrain.

One day, while hunting, the pit viper came across a caterpillar. The caterpillar was so slow that the pit viper had an easy time catching it. But as the pit viper was about to strike, it saw how cute the caterpillar looked and decided to let it go. From that day on, the pit viper and the caterpillar became friends. They would hang out in the forest and play together.

The end.


  1. What kind of animal is the pit viper?
  2. How does the pit viper move?
  3. What does the pit viper do in the winter?
  4. What was the pit viper about to do when it saw the caterpillar?
  5. Why did the pit viper and the caterpillar become friends?

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