Sam's Skydiving Adventure: Learning About Discipline and the Static Line

Once upon a time, there was a little skydiver named Sam. Sam loved to jump out of airplanes and float down to the ground with his parachute. But before he could do that, he had to learn about discipline. Discipline meant following the rules and being careful every step of the way.

One day, Sam's teacher taught him about something called a static line. A static line is a rope that is attached to an airplane and to a skydiver's parachute. When the skydiver jumps out of the airplane, the static line automatically opens the parachute for them.

Sam was so excited to try it out! He put on his special skydiving suit and went up in the airplane with his teacher. They were going to do a tandem jump, which means they would be jumping together and holding on to each other.

When they got up to the right height, they jumped out of the airplane. The static line opened their parachute, and they floated down to the ground together. The canopy of the parachute was big and colorful, and it carried them safely to the ground.

Sam was so proud of himself for learning about discipline and following all the rules. He couldn't wait to go skydiving again and again!


  1. What is discipline and why is it important for skydiving?
  2. What is a static line and how does it open the parachute?
  3. What is a tandem jump and why did Sam do it with his teacher?
  4. What does the canopy of a parachute look like and what does it do?
  5. How do you think Sam felt about his skydiving adventure?

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