The Sky Flying Duo: Adventures in the Birdman Suit

Once upon a time, there was a paratrooper named Max who loved to jump out of airplanes. He wore a special birdman suit and had a ripcord attached to his back. Before every jump, he checked his altimeter to make sure he was at the right altitude. Max felt a rush of adrenaline every time he leaped from the airplane and felt weightless during the free fall. Then, with a tug on the ripcord, his parachute would open and he would float safely to the ground. One day, Max met a rigger named Sam who showed him how to do acrobatics in the sky. They would arch their bodies and twirl while they were in the air. Max and Sam became known as the "Sky Flying Duo" and performed at airshows all over the world. The children watching would cheer and be amazed by their daring stunts. Max and Sam lived happily ever after, always searching for their next adventure in the sky.


  1. What is a paratrooper?
  2. Why did Max love to jump out of airplanes?
  3. How did Max and Sam become known as the "Sky Flying Duo"?
  4. What did the children watching Max and Sam's performances think of them?
  5. What is a ripcord?
  6. How does the altimeter help Max before he jumps from an airplane?
  7. What is a birdman suit?
  8. What is a rigger?

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