Brave Sarah and the Haunted Halloween House

Once upon a time, on Halloween night, there was a haunted house that no one dared to enter. But there was a brave little girl named Sarah who wanted to protect her friends from the spooky creatures inside. She took a position at the entrance of the house and continued to stand guard all night long. Except for the occasional rustling of leaves and the sound of her own footsteps as she trudged through the tall grass, everything was quiet. Suddenly, a ghost appeared! It was visible only for a moment before it disappeared into the darkness. Sarah was determined to protect her friends, so she bravely entered the haunted house to find the ghost and put an end to its haunting. The end.


  1. Why did Sarah want to protect her friends from the haunted house?
  2. How did she take a position to guard the entrance?
  3. What happened when the ghost appeared?
  4. How did Sarah feel when she entered the haunted house?
  5. Do you think you would be brave like Sarah if you were in her shoes?

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