Sammy the Brave Stork and the Fire Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little stork named Sammy who lived near a big lake. One day, Sammy saw a fire on the other side of the lake and knew he had to douse it to save the nearby trees and animals.

He bravely flapped his wings and flew over the lake, but as he got closer to the fire, he realized that the heat was too intense for him to handle. Suddenly, he remembered hearing about air pockets from other birds, which could help him stay afloat.

Sammy searched for an air pocket and found one just in time. He used it to rise above the heat and reach the other side of the lake. He quickly gathered sticks and twigs (also known as wattles) and made a bucket. He then dipped the bucket into the lake, filled it with water, and threw it onto the fire.

After a few trips, the fire was finally out, and Sammy was hailed as a hero by the grateful animals and trees. From that day on, Sammy was known as the bravest stork in the land, always ready to lend a helping wing in times of need.

The end.


  1. Why did Sammy want to put out the fire?
  2. What did Sammy use to carry water to the fire?
  3. How was Sammy able to rise above the heat of the fire?
  4. What did the animals and trees do after the fire was out?
  5. Why was Sammy called a hero?

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