Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a pelican named Peli. Peli loved to spend her days flying and searching for food along the shore.
One day, she noticed that the shellfish she often ate were becoming increasingly scarce. The same was true for the hummingbirds, who fed on nectar from flowers.
Peli soon learned that the problem was due to humans destroying the habitat and hunting the animals. Many species, such as the bearded barbet, were becoming extinct.
Feeling sad, Peli decided to embark on an elaborate mission to save her friends and the animals of the land. She teamed up with the hummingbirds and together, they performed a special ritual.
They danced, sang, and spread the message of conservation far and wide. People began to understand the importance of protecting nature, and the animals were no longer in danger of extinction.
From then on, the hummingbirds, shellfish, and all the other creatures lived in peace and harmony. The end.
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