The Four Friends and Their Special Bills

Once upon a time, in a dense forest lived four friends: Crossbill, Hornbill, Huia and Toucan. They spent their days flying from tree to tree, playing and chatting.
One day, they were discussing the unique features of each species. Crossbill had its distinctive cross-shaped bill, Hornbill had a large horn-like bill, Huia had a long hooked bill and Toucan had a bright colorful bill.
As they continued to chat, they noticed that they all had one thing in common, they all used their bills to eat. Crossbill would use its bill to extract seeds, Hornbill to crack nuts, Huia to pick insects and Toucan to pluck fruits.
However, they also discovered that they had another unique ability, the ability to regurgitate food. This came in handy when they wanted to share food with each other or feed their young ones.
From then on, the four friends knew that their bills were not just for eating, but also for sharing and taking care of each other. They lived happily ever after in the forest, using their bills to the fullest. The end.


  1. What are the four friends in the story?
  2. What is special about each friend's bill?
  3. What did the friends discover about their bills?
  4. How did the friends use their bills to help each other?
  5. Can you think of another animal that regurgitates food?

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