Sammy the Orphaned Squirrel's Adventure

Once upon a time, in a forest, there was a little orphaned squirrel named Sammy. Sammy's home and family were destroyed by a big storm. One day, while exploring the forest, Sammy got injured and couldn't move.

Luckily, a group of rescue workers with special equipment came to save him. They carefully lifted him into their rescue vehicle and brought him to a wildlife rehabilitator. The rehabilitator took good care of Sammy, and helped him recover from his injuries using special equipment.

After a few weeks, Sammy was strong enough to return to his habitat in the forest. The rehabilitator gave Sammy a special contact device so that they could keep track of him and make sure he was doing well.

And so, Sammy lived happily in his new home, thanks to the help of the rescue workers and the care of the rehabilitator. The end.


  1. Why did Sammy need to be rescued?
  2. How did the rescue workers help Sammy?
  3. What kind of equipment did the rehabilitator use to help Sammy get better?
  4. How did the rehabilitator keep track of Sammy after he returned to his habitat?
  5. Do you think Sammy would have been okay without the help of the rescue workers and the rehabilitator? Why or why not?

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