Gus the Gorilla's Jungle Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little gorilla named Gus. Gus loved to play outside and explore the jungle. One hot day, Gus decided to go for a swim in the river. He grabbed his favorite hat and set off on his adventure.

As he swam in the cool water, Gus saw many colorful fish swimming around him. He even saw a jellyfish floating by, but he knew not to touch it because it could sting.

Gus was having so much fun that he didn't realize how hungry he was getting. He swam to the shore and looked for something to eat. As he walked through the jungle, he saw a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine. He picked some and ate them, they were so sweet and juicy!

After his snack, Gus continued on his walk and came across a beautiful flower garden. The flowers were of different colors and sizes. Gus was fascinated by the beauty of the garden. He wanted to take a flower as a souvenir, but he knew that it wouldn't be right to pick it. So, he just admired them and took a picture with his hat on.

Finally, Gus was ready to head back home. But before he left, he wanted to have one last adventure. He found a big tree and decided to climb it. He used his strong arms and legs to climb up, higher and higher. When he got to the top, he looked out at the beautiful jungle and let out a big jump for joy. He was so happy to have had such a fun and exciting day.

Gus put his hat back on his head and headed back home, feeling grateful for all the adventures he had that day. He went to bed that night with a full belly and a happy heart.


  1. Why did Gus go for a swim in the river?
  2. What did Gus see while swimming in the river?
  3. What did Gus do when he was hungry?
  4. Why did Gus not pick a flower from the garden?
  5. What did Gus do before heading back home?

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