Bella the Docile Horse and the Lesson of Kindness

Once upon a time in a local village, there lived a docile horse named Bella. Bella was always kind to everyone and never caused any trouble. One day, while playing in the fields, she got a bad inflammation in her leg. The local vet came to check on her and advised her to rest for a few days. But, instead of resting, a group of mischievous kids started to harass Bella by pulling her tail and making fun of her injury.

Bella felt very sad and helpless. But, she did not let their mean behavior affect her and remained calm and docile. The next day, the village elder saw what was happening and spoke to the kids about the importance of being kind to animals. The kids realized their mistake and apologized to Bella. From that day on, they visited her every day to bring her treats and keep her company.

Bella's inflammation soon got better, and she was back to her playful self. The kids learned a valuable lesson about kindness and how their actions can impact others. Bella was happy again and the village was once again filled with joy and peace.

The end.


  1. Why was Bella considered docile?
  2. What happened to Bella that caused her inflammation?
  3. How did the mischievous kids treat Bella at first?
  4. What did the village elder do to help Bella?
  5. How did the kids change their behavior towards Bella after learning their lesson?
  6. Why is it important to be kind to others, especially animals?

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